‘You have to ask for what you want’ is an important spiritual principle.
So the question is:
What is my purpose or target for 2012?
If I don’t have a purpose or target what will happen?
Well... I then ‘create’ by default.
Our default settings are the result of egoic defenses/ personality & are unconscious & invisible most/all of the time. These invisible thoughts or seeds are almost always negative & based in fear, anger or envy. Examples include: ‘there is never enough’, ‘I don’t deserve....’, ‘how come they get ...’, ‘that’s not fair’, etc.
All thoughts have a vibration level.
Therefore only thoughts, emotions & deeds of the highest vibration level are what I want for 2012.
Master Choa Kok Sui in his Spiritual Business Management Course introduces the student to esoteric spiritual principles for being successful in business & personal life.
It is suggested that we set aside...
10 mins to plan for our daily activities
1 hour to plan our weekly activities
1 day to plan our monthly activities
1 week to plan our activities for the year!
Planning is a very important activity & needs time, practice & regular evaluation. By taking this time it enables me to get the best results that are possible for me.
Remember I may not be karmically entitled to something this year & may need to work on building my positive karma to produce the results.
Therefore I need to intelligently plan, evaluate and prioritise for 2012.
With practice (& plenty of mistakes) other qualities like clear vision & discernment will begin to arise.
A good rule of thumb is:
1st half of life: ‘we have to love what we do’
2nd half of life ‘we have to do what we love’
To charge up your visions & goals for 2012 and beyond remember the power of participating in full moon meditations!
The first full moon meditation for 2012 is on the 9th Jan, 7-8.30pm in Newmarket @ the Pranic Healing Centre & please bring your visions & goals for blessings!