Grand Master Choa Kok Sui developed and taught the technique of Meditation on Twin Hearts to create personal healing and positive life transformation. This meditation is truly special & works on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels to open the heart chakra (the physical heart) and the crown chakra (the spiritual heart), thereby enabling you to draw down a great amount of high-quality divine energy into the crown.
This meditation creates flow.
We are all energy beings in an ocean of energy.When the energy flows we have:
Loving kindness & compassions to others
Magnetism or attractiveness – this affects others in a positive way & we attract more positive opportunities into our life.
As if life feeds & grows us in a way that is more amazing than we could have thought.
Transformation occurs & as the Prayer of St. Francis of says:
We become a channel of light
Hatred into love
Injury into pardon
Despair into hope
Doubt into faith
Darkness into light
Sadness into joy.
This meditation creates time.
I often just notice that meditation takes time (10 min, 20 mins, 30 min)“I am too busy to meditate’, ‘I haven’t got time to meditate”
Yet I fail to notice when I meditate something profound changes & I have more time.
Disproportionally more time is given me that I gave to meditation.
Excellent ROI (return on investment).
As Master Choa Kok Sui says:
Spiritual practices are easy the only hard part is remembering!