'All beings have an energy field around them, often known as the aura
that looks like a luminous ball of light. Aura works like a battery; it keeps
our body healthy and alive.
Anything in life that disturbs us, from bad weather, improper hygiene
and malnutrition to stress, fear, sadness and frustrations makes this luminous
energy field dimmer, imbalanced and full of holes and greyish energies. This,
in long run appears as pain, discomfort, physical and psychological problems.
To remain healthy, happy and in a good shape, we must take care of our
energy body!
Just as we take a daily shower to keep the physical body clean, the
energy body also needs cleansing to maintain a good health.
With Pranic Healing, we are able to detect the problems and imbalances
in the aura and carefully remove them using a fairly simple technique that
involves no touching, no drug and anyone can learn to do it.
Once the aura is balanced and bright, our wellbeing is guaranteed.
Pranic Healing provides the science behind living healthily, supported
by tons and tons of researches and testimonials all around the world.
The different methods of cleaning and energizing the aura and chakras
are all parts of Basic Pranic Healing workshop'.
This description is from Master Glen Mendoza introduction to the Basic Pranic Healing Course
Do you want to know more? You are welcome to call or check out the details of the next Basic Pranic Healing Course on October 25th & 26th