Dwelling or occupying the present moment , being here now, staying present and attentive to the light within, standing in my interior world.
Love only exists in the present moment & only love is real (Course in Miracles)
The Divine is light, it is a vibration, it is a rich experience of love, peace, joy, bliss and is abundantly available to us in any moment.
What keeps me from this?
Distractions, confusion, judgements, fear, envy – all distortions of the truth or my mistakes in perception (Course in Miracles) or as the enneagram describes, my personality.
My unconscious, habitual series of reactions that disturbs and distorts my vision of the world. I begin to create suffering in my life or experience a ‘pain body’ attack (Tolle)
What is the antidote?
One remedy is paying attention to my breath.
The breath as it moves in and out of the nostril, as it moves across my top lip.
25,000 breaths a day, 25,000 opportunities to wake up & be aware.
25,000 times a day I am reminded of the doorway to being present.
What generosity is showered on me each moment, each day.
Paying attention to my breath creates a spaciousness and stillness.
Paying attention to my breath and creating a spaciousness and stillness allows:
· thoughts and emotions subside
· my emotional and mental subtle bodies of the aura to calm
· my inner noise to diminish and disperse
· the volume is turned down on my personality
· steadiness to return
· my interior space containing love, peace, joy and bliss begins to expand
· the Divine is visible again for me
· inner guidance is audible
· I get back on track
· I have a chance is take right thoughts, right speak and right action again